
NEW: Carl shares his journey to sustainability in this video prepared when he was recognized by Rotary International with a Paul Harris Fellowship, the organization’s highest honour for community service.

NEW: could solar energy be a good fit for you?  In this interview on CBC Radio’s Shift, Carl explains how solar systems work, and shares the benefits his solar array has provided over the past two years.

DISRUPTION – the term we use to describe sudden upheaval and drastic change – was the theme of TEDx UNB 2018.  In his TED Talk, Carl suggests we need to challenge and disrupt two long-held paradigms of global human society if we are to disrupt that biggest disruption of all, climate change.

In 2016, 24 HOURS OF REALITY, Al Gore’s annual marathon global climate change awareness webcast, featured climate change presenters from all around the world – and Carl was selected to represent Canada.  Here’s that interview, from New York.

Commentary on Global Warming

“When I was young, my first school was located next to a factory that blanketed our playground with so much smoke that some days we weren’t allowed to go outside for recess.  It sowed within me the early seeds of concern about our environment.  When my first son Paul was born in 1999, a little voice in my head said, “Do something!” But I had no idea what to do.  The little voice got louder in 2001, when Eric was born: “DO SOMETHING!”  So I decided to write this pledge, from a new father to his son.  It aired nationally on CBC Radio May 23, 2001.  It still seems relevant today.”

